““Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ”
How Can I Give?
We’ve created several opportunities for you to support the mission of Cornerstone Church.
You can give in offering each Sunday at our in-person services, via cash or check.
You can give online at anytime, via debit or credit card (with the option to cover the processing fee associated with your transaction).
You give online via an ACH (an electronic transfer which does not have a fee assessed by your bank or ours).
If you’re going to establish a consistent pattern of giving, we encourage you to consider setting up a recurring gift. In our culture, we automate the important financial actions in our lives (mortgage payments, direct deposits, withdrawals to savings and retirement, etc.). We strongly encourage to consider automating this important habit as well.
If you need help adjusting your automated giving, please email our office manager, Lindsay Newnum, or call our office at 928-776-0121.
Online giving is safe and secure. We partner with an industry-leader in the online giving space for churches and 60% of all giving at Cornerstone is done online! You can learn more about the safety and security of this method here.
If you have any questions about giving to Cornerstone or you’d like to donate stocks to the church, please contact our bookkeeper at contact@prescottcornerstone.com.