In our culture, membership is normally about privileges. When you have a Netflix membership, you can binge on shows wherever you are. When you have an Amazon Prime membership, your packages arrive in two days. When you have a country club membership, you get lots of privileges.
While membership in our culture is about privileges, membership in our church is about ownership and responsibilities. Cornerstone members don’t seek to be served, but to serve others.
When people sense that Cornerstone is their church home and they’ve gotten connected and found their place in serving, they often consider membership as a formal step to finalize their commitment here.
Cornerstone members have the responsibility of approving our annual budget, our church officers, any changes to our bylaws or constitution, and the hiring of a lead pastor.
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
A copy of our membership application can be downloaded here. (You will need to print and fill out a unique application for each individual applying for membership).
Printed copies are also available every Sunday in our lobby and during the week at our church office.
Membership applications include our membership covenant that must be signed.
Once complete, membership applications can be turned into the church office, the Connections table in the lobby on Sundays, or emailed to
Applicants for membership then meet with an elder and his wife to learn more about your story and give you a forum to ask questions about the church.
Membership candidates are then presented to the board, when another forum for questions takes place.
The board then votes to welcome the person(s) into membership with the church.
All members are encouraged to attend our Annual Meeting each February.