Each year, Cornerstone intentionally invests tens of thousands of dollars into worldwide missions. God has enabled us to support 11 missionaries in six countries, on five continents. We partner with these servants by praying for, encouraging, financially-supporting, and even visiting them around the world.

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Christ came into the world to rescue humanity. Then He built His Church to continue the rescue mission. Christ empowers every one of his followers to “go and make disciples.” In that sense, Cornerstone has hundreds of missionaries here in the greater Prescott area.

In short, we are committed to intentionally investing our lives, our fortunes, and our efforts in joining God’s rescue mission–around the world and here at home. This isn’t an afterthought. It’s our purpose on earth.

In addition to our many partners (locally, regionally, and globally), we’ve intentionally focused in two areas. First, in 2014, Cornerstone entered into an association with Church on the Rock and the Sara Rose Foundation of Kitwe, Zambia. We felt a special calling to Zambia and our focus here has led to visible transformation and eternal impact. Second, in 2018, we began a partnership with 1Mission in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. Since then, we’ve seen over 100 people from Cornerstone serve on a weekend project there - many of whom had never even considered an experience like this.

For a list of supported individuals and families serving throughout the world, please contact us. For information on submitting a request for funding or to explore partnering with Cornerstone Church, contact Jon Bundy, the chairman of our Missions Team.