S.O.A.P. is an acronym for a simple and helpful way to take your daily Bible reading to a deeper and more intentional level.


Pull out a copy of the Jesus According to Jesus Reading Plan, along with a journal, a Bible, and a pen.

Silence your phone. Do your best to minimize distractions. Open your Bible to your reading for the day. Pray and ask God to speak to you through His word.
Take your time reading, allowing God to speak to you.
When you have finished the reading for today, identify the verse that particularly spoke to or stuck out to you, and write it in your journal.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts.

What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Pay attention to what stuck out to you as you read. Did you notice a repeated phrase or word? Was there an interesting metaphor used? Did this reading remind you of something else you’ve seen in the Bible? How does this passage point to who Jesus is and what Jesus did? What questions did this passage raise?

Feel free to spend as much time on this step as you can.

What do we do after we read and study Scripture? We take action by doing what it says. So, identify a next step. How does what you read connect with your life today?
Perhaps it's an instruction to heed, an encouragement to embrace, a new promise to hold, or a correction to heed for a particular area of your life.
Write how this scripture can apply to you today and take action.

Prayer is simply a conversation with God, where we are able to build intimacy with our Creator and Savior. This step can be as simple as asking God to help you use what you’ve read and written today. You might need to pray for a greater insight on what God may be revealing to you. Never forget, prayer is a two-way conversation! So, after you’ve poured your heart out, be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out your prayer today.